Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I love linen tea towels. And I loved this project because it was so random. I couldn't be sure how anything would turn out. So, somehow, it was full of delight with every outcome a revelation.

It was actually an un-dyeing process using household bleach to "discharge" the colour from the linen. I added 125ml (half a cup) of bleach to 4 litres (just under a gallon) of water and I let the fabric soak for two hours.

The two above are my favourites. The striped one was accordian folded and then dip-dyed. And the green tie dyed one was pleated and then held together with rubber bands.

The only thing I had to buy was the linen - that I washed, cut and hemmed. Everything else I had on hand - buckets, bleach, rubber bands, pegs.

If you're thinking of having a go yourself, I'd say "do it" and I'd recommend this book Tie die dip by Pepa Martin and Karen Davis.

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